Parigi conclude i suoi nove giorni di pret-a-porter e chiude anche il tour de force della moda per la primavera-estate 2013, iniziato a New York ormai quasi un mese fa.
Ecco i principali stilisti che hanno acceso le passerelle parigine:
Paris concludes its nine days of pret-a-porter and also closes the tour de force of fashion for spring-summer 2013, which began in New York nearly a month ago.
Here are the top designers who have turned on the catwalks of Paris:
Louis Vouitton:
Ispirata dal lavoro dell’artista concettuale Daniel Buren, Marc Jacobs crea una collezione consacrata all’essenzialità ma sempre molto originale. La cornice di questa collezione prevede imponenti scale mobili che scendono da uno stage in Mylar riflettente e che atterrano su una passerella che riprende l’ iconico motivo Damier, trasformandola in un “lavoro” Op-Art accompagnato da musica seriale rimixata.
Inspired by the work of conceptual artist Daniel Buren, Marc Jacobs created a collection dedicated to the essential but still very original. The setting of this impressive collection includes escalators that descend from an internship in Mylar reflective and landing on a runway which incorporates the ‘iconic Damier pattern, transforming it into a “job” Op-Art accompanied by serial music remixed.
There are things that can not be together, like Sofia Loren with cockroaches, Velasquez with spiders, boxes yourself ‘with beetles and butterflies. Can mix instead Vivienne Westwood has always exaggerates and you applaud.
A tribute to smoking as a source of inspiration for the modern female seduction. But also an ode to middle-class woman, the one that does not yield an inch of his style to the sirens of street style.
Scottish patterns, Madras and flowers, small checkerboard black and white, a harmonious blend and unique.
Celestial color and a taste of couture 60s.
Geometries in strong colors, transparencies. Elegance boxy, masculine and oversized.
La sottoveste.
In una collezione di grande rigore e compostezza, ma anche di forte sensualità, la maison Valentino ha riportato in auge il più affascinante indumento femminile.
In a collection of great precision and composure, but also with the sensuality, the house of Valentino has revived the most fascinating female garment.
La neo hippy in nero che sconvolge le passerelle parigine.
The neo hippy black upsetting the Parisian catwalks.
Trasparenze, gonne in tulle per una donna romantica.
Transparencies, tulle skirts for a romantic woman.
Crinolina perfino per t-shirt!
Crinoline even for t-shirt!
Maison Martin Margiela has made it the theme of a collection as always metamorphic.
Ragazza nella giungla thailandese, fitta di flora e di fauna, la ragazza di Kenzo si aggira fresca e leggera, in verde militare, in maculati e fantasie di foreste e animali.
Girl in the Thai jungle, full of flora and fauna, the girl from Kenzo is around fresh and light, in military green, spotted and patterns in forests and animals.
The parade in Paris by Jean Paul Gaultier delivers in fever 80s, including pop stars who with their look have influenced fashion.
La principessa ribella si veste di verde, di corallo, di blu, ama le stampe di pesci, anemoni, orchidee e le trasparenze di organza.